What is a Sitter Shoot?

What is a Sitter Shoot?
After posting some photos from a recent Sitter Shoot on Instagram and Facebook, I received lots of messages asking what a sitter shoot is, how old does baby need to be, do you provide outfits and lots and lots of other questions so I thought I would put together a quick article about my sitter shoots and what you can expect at yours.
What is a Sitter Shoot?
A Sitter Shoot is a portrait session designed for babies that have mastered the art of confidently sitting unsupported but they are still working on their crawling skills.
Because babies develop at different stages, some are ready for a sitter shoot at 5ish months old and others might not be ready until they are closer to a year old.
What Happens at a Sitter Shoot?
Before all of my shoots I contact my clients and have a quick chat about the styling of the session. My aim is to capture beautiful images that are in line with your style and will look amazing in your home. Prior preparation is essential.
I encourage clients to stick to simpler styling at my sitter shoots so the focus is on your baby and their personality and not props. I love to create timeless images that you will still adore in 30 years. BUT, it’s your shoot so we can style it any way you wish.
Some babies can take a while to warm up to the studio environment and so I always allow plenty of time for your little one to get comfortable and relax before I pull out my camera.
Shoots usually only last around 30 minutes to an hour because being a model is tiring work when you’re still a baby!
I work super fast because I know we only have a small window of opportunity to capture your baby having fun, smiling and generally being cute and adorable before they become tired, restless and a bit grumpy.
Do you Provide the Outfits
I have a selection of gorgeous, handmade outfits and headbands which you are very welcome to use. I always recommend trying a few shots of baby either naked or simply wearing a nappy with a nappy cover because baby rolls are just too cute to keep covered.
Can I Bring Some Toys to Include in the Photos?
I get asked this a lot and the short answer is of course! It’s your shoot, if you want to include toys in your pictures then I’m 100% OK with that.
BUT, keep this in mind; when using toys in photos they then become props. The toys need to match the aesthetics of the set and add value to the overall look. I wouldn’t recommend trying to shoehorn something into a photo just for the sake of it - your baby is beautiful enough without props.
That being said, maybe you have a toy that’s particularly meaningful and it would bring a lot of joy to you, or someone you love, to have a photo of your baby interacting with that toy. I will do everything I can to get that shot for you. It might take a while - your baby could decide that they are far more interested in my camera or the fluffy rug they are sat on or the funny sound my backdrop makes when you tap it or any other number of things. Or your baby might be REALLY into the toy and bury their face in it and make it difficult for me to get a useable shot. It’s not going to be impossible but we could spend a big chunk of time trying to get that shot and end up tiring your baby out in the process.
I promise I’m not trying to be a killjoy, I just think it’s really important to share my past experience with parents so you now what to expect.
Can We Include Some Family Shots Too?
My sitter shoots are just about baby and don’t include family or sibling shots. If you would like to book a family shoot, you can find all the info you need on my Babies and Families page.
Will it Just be Photos of My Baby Sitting?
Absolutely not. I make it my mission to get as much variety as possible from every one of my shoots. We will do shots of your baby on their back, on their tummy, close ups of their beautiful faces and little details (I have an obsession with baby eyelashes!) so you’re sure to love your entire gallery.
I hope that covers most of your questions but if I missed anything, please drop me an email or give me a call and I’ll be more than happy to help.