10 Benefits of Acupuncture During Pregnancy
I recently met a lovely woman, named Chantal, who lives locally and we got chatting. I discovered that she cofounded the Leeds Baby Bank which is a brilliant charity that helps families in crisis. I encourage you all to check out their Facebook page and show it some love.
I then learned that Chantal is an acupuncturist. I didn’t really know an awful lot about acupuncture so I was pretty amazed when Chantal told me some of the benefits.
I somehow managed to convince this busy, working mum, who runs her own business, as well as a charity, to find the time to write me a guest blog post all about the benefits of acupuncture during pregnancy!
Chantal Nogbou has been a holistic therapist for 13 years and a mobile acupuncturist for nearly 6 years. As a mum of 4, and owner of Dragonfly Acupuncture Leeds she is hugely passionate about improving the health and wellbeing of families across Leeds. I hope you enjoy her blog post…
10 Benefits of Acupuncture During Pregnancy
by Chantal Nogbou
You peed on the stick, got your positive and then what...
It can be such an amazing time for a woman, there is so much magic happening inside your body and you are waiting for that pregnancy glow everyone raves about.
But what if your pregnancy isn’t that amazing, and you are still waiting for that pregnancy glow. Your body aches and there is so much going on so what can you do to help yourself.
Everyone will be full of, often conflicting, advice and horror stories. Yes, you know who I am talking about.
If you get poorly or experience any pains, what you can take meds wise is very limited.
But have no fear...your acupuncturist is here!!!
Over the past 5 years I have supported so many women during their pregnancy, birth and during their postnatal recovery.
Acupuncture is the insertion of fine, thin, solid needles at certain points in your body. It is effective, natural, drug free and most importantly safe for both you and the precious cargo you are carrying.
Traditional Chinese acupuncture has been a part of treatment for pregnant women and for postnatal recovery for over 3000 years.
Acupuncture is a wonderful, gentle way of enhancing mama’s wellbeing, and can be used for various issues for the health of mama and baby.
Acupuncture can offer support on both physical and emotional levels:
1. Aches and pains. Backpain, sciatica, rib pain and pelvic pain are very common in pregnancy and can all be massively reduced with acupuncture.
2. Nausea and vomiting. Acupuncture is often very effective in reducing sickness and vomiting, both in severity and occurrence.
3. Breech and back to back babies. From 33-34 weeks moxibustion and acupuncture can help get your baby in the optimum position, head down. Ideally the treatment takes place 36ish weeks but can still be effective later in pregnancy.
4. Anxiety. Acupuncture helps you feel calmer, less stressed and balances your hormones which are often all over the place during pregnancy.
5. Heartburn. Let the pins reduce your heartburn.
6. Insomnia. Helping you feel calmer, slow down a racing mind, give you better quality sleep while also reducing pain that may be keeping you awake.
7. Sinus issues. During pregnancy your nasal passages become more narrow and so become blocked quicker. Acupuncture can help open up those passages but also reduce the mucous.
8. Tiredness and exhaustion. Growing a baby or two is exhausting and can wear you out. Get an acupuncture energy boost.
9. Carpal tunnel syndrome. The extra fluid in your body during pregnancy may gather near your wrists causing tightness, pain, pins and needles (excuse the pun), numbness and lack of strength. Acupuncture will help move stagnant fluids, reduce pain and stiffness, and encouraging blood flow in the area.
10. Prebirth acupuncture. Use acupuncture to help prepare for childbirth which research shows may shorten labour, promote quicker labours with more efficient contractions and reduce the need for interventions but also making you feel calmer and more relaxed, and in less pain.
So, as you can see, acupuncture can help for a multitude of issues.
If you are pregnant, there is support out there if you aren’t feeling so glowing. And you can see how useful acupuncture is for family health. I can help the whole family, young and old. From newborn. All in the comfort of your own home.
If you want to know more, get in touch for a free phone consultation to chat about how acupuncture can help you. Just reach out.
Chantal x
Follow Chantal on Facebook and Instagram.
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